OSHA Compliance

OSHA 1-2 hour compliance topics

Each session covers annual requirements to maintain OSHA compliance.  Class participation and learning activities are optimized.  Customizable selection of OSHA topics includes: fork-lift training, how to use a fire extinguisher, perspectives in a legal debate with an OSHA Compliance Officer, means of egress, electrical standards, walking and working surfaces, hazardous materials, material handling and back injuries, blood borne pathogens, personal protective equipment, inspections, and much more.

OSHA 10 hour compliance training

Follows OSHA requirements for certification.  Attendees take a pre-test, followed by a 2-day session, then post-test.  Each session is designed with examples of work hazards.  Required objectives include: introduction to OSHA, NIOSH, inspections, citations, means of egress, electrical hazards, and walking and working surfaces.  Three or more additional elective topics must be selected for presentation.

We are available for local and national conference speaking.  Client references and course outlines available upon request. 

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